The legal & regulatory implications of AI

Ashley Pantuliano, an AGC at OpenAI, offers valuable insights into the legal and regulatory implications of AI.

Concerns Regarding Legal Use Cases

Privacy and security are major concerns when it comes to utilizing AI tools for legal purposes. It is crucial to exercise caution and ensure the protection of attorney-client privilege when handling client data within these tools.


  • Theres an element on Chatgpt where they have the right to train on user data, both the input and output of the conversations but you can opt out of that.
  • If you’re a lawyer and you’re using it for your legal work for clients, it might be a consideration to fill out this form and Opt out of training.

Opt Out: User Content Opt Out Request

On The API side

  • When someone wants to build a tool on top of this technology through Chatgpt’s API they make that available. So people are currently building legal tech on top of it.
  • Chat GPT does not train on data on the API side and it is deleted after 30 days.
  • Always keep in mind any data that you input and make sure its compliant with any existing privacy laws such as protected health information or HIPPA.

Copyright & Liability

  • Copyright and liability are important considerations in the realm of AI. Lawmakers are tasked with addressing how existing intellectual property laws apply to this technology.
  • It is crucial to be cautious about potential biases in AI models, and OpenAI is actively working to ensure that these models do not produce or perpetuate biased information.

Unauthorized Practice of Law

  • The development of tools that can perform legal work autonomously raises concerns about the unauthorized practice of law.
  • It is important to ensure that such tools are used in a manner that complies with legal regulations and that they are properly supervised by licensed professionals to maintain the integrity of the legal practice.