Building the Freelance Legal Economy

Ben Isaacson

Joseph Budd

Eric Frank

Phillip Imanlihen

LL Crawley

Ben Isaacson

Joseph Budd

Eric Frank

Phillip Imanlihen

LL Crawley

Karen Frame

Amy Pough

Allison Mulfod

Justin Higgs

LL Crawley

Karen Frame

Amy Pough

Allison Mulfod

Justin Higgs

LL Crawley
About Lawtrades
Freelancers are on track to become the majority of the workforce within the next decade, but legal professionals have been left out of this movement.
We are building an internet-first global workforce so companies can execute faster. We help lawyers become businesses, enabling companies to hire them flexibly and save money. To date, we've sent over $17,000,000 to help lawyers become independent.
Our Story
Lawtrades launched in 2016 to pioneer a new work model that helps companies find more flexibility and connect legal talent to more opportunities.
We asked ourselves, what if the legal industry didn't have a century of precedent, the burden of the billable hour, or a partnership hierarchy where only a few people at the top got rich? The Industrial Revolution and centralized institutions made us extremely hierarchical because one person couldn’t necessarily own or build a firm, but now, thanks to the internet, we’re going back to an age where more and more people can work for themselves.
This future will help us work collectively and break down the size of law firms from thousands to hundreds to dozens and eventually to just one.
In this new world, legal professionals won’t need to rely on law firms for the infrastructure that they have traditionally provided. They can build a direct relationship with clients and monetize in new ways with uncapped upside. It's an entirely new form of entrepreneurship that's wild and free of corporate constraints.
To realize this potential, we're doing the difficult-but-necessary work of creating an internet-first global workforce so companies can execute faster. We take pride in enabling legal teams to work in the spotlight by solving complex legal issues through technology that would otherwise hold them back.
It's our responsibility to arm this next generation of professionals with the tools they need to thrive in the new internet economy.

Our Mission
To ignite the freelance legal economy so that businesses and independent legal talent from around the world connect and accomplish incredible things.