🔦 Meet Amy: The Lawtrades Team

Amy Ye joined Lawtrades earlier this year to work on our people team. Hailing from New York City and currently residing in Houston, Amy brings HR experience from financial and recruitment industries. Let’s get to know her a little better!

Can you share two interesting facts about yourself?

I absolutely adore cats and want to have a garden…but am terrified of anything with more than 4 legs 🙀

How do you like to spend your weekends?

A perfect weekend would be sleeping in 💤 on Saturday, and then deep cleaning on Sunday.

What is the most unconventional job you ever had?

I’ve had quite standard jobs so far…but I do cat sit on the weekends which can be unconventional when the cats in question have special personalities!

Why did you choose to join Lawtrades?

Not knowing too much about the legal field, my mind was blown when Ashish told me Lawtrades was going to be like the Uber of legal, for attorneys to have the ability to do what they do best and have the ability to take care of things in life. I’ve always known that attorneys work long hours, so it was great to know that at Lawtrades, they aren’t so trapped in that traditional role we’re used to seeing them in.

What are your primary responsibilities?

I work closely with Jerry with overseeing Lawtrades’ People Operations functions.

What are you most looking forward to in this position?

I can’t wait to see Lawtrades grow, and I’ll be able to turn back and see all the contributions I’ve made.

Where do you think you help the most in this position?

I love answering everyone’s questions on Benefits, PTO and Payroll! The feedback really helps as we’re working to make improvements to all of the moving parts in our system.